The REIGNITION – Update 3.0 Patch Notes

posted by Jason Ryan


It’s time to strap in and get ready for some serious improvements!  

We’ve made a lot of positive changes to all areas of the game and we are excited to bring them to you on Steam!  


Highlights include:  

• A new Horror Mode with stronger and more dangerous monsters.

• Increased slots for classes

• Gamepad upgrades

• Improvements to 100+ missions

• New Main Menu interface

And much more!

Jump into the game and check it out! We believe these changes make the game better than ever!  

Thank you for playing Red Solstice 2: Survivors!  


Red Solstice 2: Survivors
Patch 3.0 (2nd September, 2024)



• Added new marine skin

• Added skin patterns that can be equipped and dyed.

• Added vibration for gamepads.

• Added horror mode.

• New Main Menu interface.


• Monster health increased by 200%.

• Monsters have 30% more damage.

• Monsters have one additional armor block.

• Monsters are overall depending on threat slower by up to 25%.

• Speed boost from monster off the map reduced from min 1% to max 5%.

• Driveable vehicles are disabled

• Biomass matures now and when matured it will explode and spawn a boss 



• Support slots increased from 9 to 11.

• Offense slots increased from 5 to 6.

• Defense slots increased from 5 to 6.


• Offense slots increased from 9 to 10.

• Defense slots increased from 6 to 7.


• Offense slots increased from 7 to 8.


• Defense slots increased from 5 to 6.

Heavy Support 

• Defense slots increased from 3 to 4.


• Offense slots increased from 9 to 11.

• Support slots increased from 8 to 9.


• Offense slots increased from 7 to 9.


• Offense slots increased from 8 to 9.

• Support slots increased from 9 to 10.


• Fix for gamepad radial not overriding interaction selection widget’s controls.

• Fix for rare gamepad pointer disappearing on credits/game over screen.

• Fix for gamepad pointer disappearing in strategy menu.

• Fix for cursor issues during gamepad aim tutorial.

• Fix for some interaction issues.



All Aboard 

• Fix for an issue with vehicles and their path.

Big City 

• Fix for an issue where movable vehicles would attack doors even though they were open.

Life Line 

• Fix for vehicles getting stuck on dead end streets.

Missile Turrets 

• Various Missile Turrets will no longer destroy explosives.

Under The Surface 

• Fix for player getting stuck in a particular location using ‘WASD’ controls.

Whispering shadows 

• Added collision on walls and stones, and in a few other locations.

Sam Site

• Fix for an issue where client players saw Sam Sites incorrectly on all levels.

Sould Circuitry 

• Removed unnecessary barricades.

• Removed “Defend The Wall” skirmish level.

• Reduced cloud speed.

Tharsis skirmish 

• Fixed issue with pipe network.

• Each level will now have limited instead of infinite loot.

• Closing one window will close all windows in 1k radius. Interaction time reduced from 1s to 0.5s.

• Toxic Barrels will damage Enemy Marines now.


• Tornado colour tweaks.

• Fix for an issue where Sam Site turrets would spawn at the wrong location.

• Fix for various texture, navmesh, destruction, pathfinding issues


• New medals have been added: “Aetriden Medal of Honor” and “Commendation for Past Service.”


Aella Part 1 

• Failure conditions reworked.

Aella Part 2 

• Removed Biomasses and added Hives instead.

Aella Part 3 

• Fix for APC not de-spawning correctly


• Mission slightly reworked.

Along The Watchtower 

• Fix for mission radius being off the center mark.

• Adjusted ambush timers.

All Or Nothing

• Mission has been reworked.

Ascending Chaos

• Removed Sniper from destroy NEF guns objective.

• Removed ambush from destroy NEF guns objective.

• Removed ambush from destroy vehicle objective.

• Increased artillery timer from 25 to 30s.

• Fixed incorrect vehicle slot.


• Mission slightly reworked.


• Mission slightly reworked.

Asset Defense

• Reduced Hold Position Timer from 120 to 90s.

• Fix for mission locations not being in the centre of the objective.

Ashen Future

• Fix for a bug where train would spawn incorrectly if dialogue was skipped and that would result player being unable to reach the objective and evacuate.

• Adjusted resistance fighters spawn.

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Artillery won’t kill Elysium scientists anymore.

A Tuna In Need

• Removed Civilians and Followers that spawn around Tuna.

• Increased reach objective timer from 210 to 300s.

• Mission location changes.

• Adjusted ambush timers.

At Night

• Mission slightly reworked.

All Aboard

• Removed failure condition from holding train station objective.

• Reduced Hold Position timers.

• Replaced Biomas with Hive.

• Tuna Escort Marines are now removed.

Behind Enemy Lines

• Reduced monster spawn

Big One

• Increased ambush timers.

• Final objective will now spawn closer to player.


• Removed fail condition on Friendly Marine death.

• Added more destroy targets.

Blame Game

• Mission slightly reworked.

Blood Moon

• Reduced the first Storm level from 4 to 3.

• Reduced the second Storm level from 3 to 2.

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Boss will no longer be spawned by ambush.

Bounty Hunter

• Mission slightly reworked.

Brighter Horizon

• Increased Tank movement speed.

• Adjusted ambush timers

• Reduced Hold Position objective timer from 90 to 60s

Broken Home

• Fix for same dialogue appearing twice after completing the mission and returning to Strategy Laye


• Added infestation

• Fixed a critical issue where the mission blocked progression.

Burning History

• Reduced the number of Enemy Marines that are spawned by ambush.

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Reduced Hold Position objective timer from 120 to 60s.

• Reduced Artillery protection from 90 to 60s.

• Tuna vehicle can no longer be destroyed.

• Decreased Rally with Insurgent Heroes reach location objective from 2,000- to 800.

Center Mass Explosion

• Removed additional mission rolls. There will be only one.

• Replaced final Biomass with Hive.

• Now spawns a random boss enemy when running towards the drop nuke location.

• Adjusted follower move order positions.

Changing Winds

• Reduced Hunter ambush cap.

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Base Hold Position objective timer reduced from 120 to 60s.

Colony Evac

• Linkup & Protect The Vip Convoy objective – Mission will now fail if any of the VIP vehicles are destroyed.

• First objective radius increased from 500 to 4500

• Refugee Hold Position timer reduced from 90 to 60s.

• Radius for helipad increased from 800 to 8,500.

• Increase convoy ambush timers.

Counter Strike

• Mission slightly reworked

Crimson storm part 3

• Increased the final Hold Position objective radius from 2,000 to 3,500.

Critical Error

• Mission will now spawn closer to the player.

Darkening Skies Part 1

• Adjusted ambush timers

• Lowered number of monsters that spawn during some objectives.

• Reduced Hold Position objective timer from 180 to 120s.

• Reduced Storm level from 3 to 0 during the last objective.

Darkening Skies Part 2

• Lowered number of monsters that spawn during some objectives.

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Added mission reward loot.

Darkening Skies Part 3

• Adjusted ambush timers

• Lowered number of monsters that spawn during some objectives.

• Lowered the level of storm from 5 to 3.

• Added mission reward loot.

Death Machines

• Mission slightly reworked.

Deadly Shadows

• Removed 7 enemy marines from gate. They are now replaced with 1 Reaper and 1 Missile Tower.

Destroy Convoy

• Reduced number of enemy marines

Difference Of Opinions

• Fixed nest location bugs. Fixed enemy vehicle not being targeted correctly.

• Reworked ending will not end with a hold position, instead of wait timer.

Dirty Bomb

• Disarm timer increased from 420 to 600s.

• Removed 1 bomb (there are 2 bombs in total now)

Down Under

• Reduced Hold Position timers.

• Relocated nests into the powerplant.

• Defend VLAK timer decreased from 120s to 60s.

• Nest locations changed.

Drop pod landing

• Fix for an issue where monster were monsters couldn’t spawn.

• Echoes of fear

• Boss area will now be closed after player starts the objective. Player won’t be able to kite the boss throughout the level anymore.

Falling Dominoes

• Reduced Defend Dropship timer from 90 to 60s.

• Replaced Phalanx Defense Gun with Watch Tower.

• Reworked how base support comes in for final Arc Pad Stand

Field Status

• Removed additional mission rolls. There will be only one.

Final Dawn

• Hold Position timer reduced from 90 to 60s.

• Adjusted ambush timer for better mission flow.

Find And Seek

• Fix for an issue where pre-placed monsters spawned underground.

Fire Mission

• Fire mission will spawn artillery on player location.

For Humanity

• Removed plenty of unnecessary mission markers for better mission flow.

• Added Vehicles, Watch Towers and Friendly Marines.

For The People

• Defend objective timer reduced from 180 to 120s.

• Adjusted ambush timers for better mission flow.


• Repositioned Elysium wall defenders off the platforms and on the ground fully to prevent spawn inconsistences.

• Mission slightly reworked.

Free Wifi

• Removed fail condition if Friendly Marine dies.

• Replaced APC with a Reaper Turret.

• Fix for an issue where Enemy Marines didn’t attack the player.

From The Depths

• Reduced Hold Position objective timers.

• Reduced the number of Enemy Marines spawned by ambush.

• Removed 1 Rally Beacon. Added 15 land mines along narrow forest path instead.

Furious Penance

• Removed artillery from the first Reach Location objective.

• Increased first objective radius from 250 to 800.

• Sniper Defender Marines will now roam around instead of standing in place.

• Adjusted ambush timers

• Reduced Hold Position at HQ from 90 to 60s.

Future Planning

• Adjusted ambush timers for better mission flow.

• Increased Hold Position timer from 30 to 60s.

• Replaced Biomass with Hives.

• Reduced the spawn range location between objectives.

Grand Howell Part 1

• Mission slightly reworked.

Guardian Angel

• Will now destroy 75% of current biomass on the level.

Helluva Headache

• Reduced the first hold objective mission from 60s to 30s.

• Reduced the difficulty of the mission by reducing the number of marines during some objectives.

• Removed many Enemy Marines for better mission flow.

• Reworked mission ending.

• Helmut, Riles, and Zoey now follow the player after APC death.

Holding Out For A Hero

• HB survivors will now follow the player instead of running straight towards the outpost.

• Replaced Biomass with Hive.

• Increased ambush timers.

Howell Grand Part 3

• Backend mission work for X,Y,Z Evac handling.

Hunting Grounds

• Adjusted ambush timers

• Convoy will now move faster.

• Increased Kill objective kill count from 60 to 100.

• Replaced Defense Gun with Artillery Truck

• Replaced both Missile Towers with Watch Towers.

Infulstruction Junction

• Increased fail timer on first reach objective from 5 to 10m (help with larger maps).

• Removed 2 markers from water pump station

Impending Future

• Mission slightly reworked.

Into The Breach

• Mission slightly reworked.

Is This Thing On Part 1

• Removed additional rolls.

• Randomized Jeep or APC spawn during meeting Jenkins objective.

• Fixed an issue where Friendly Marines wouldn’t’ follow the player.

Land Survey

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Added mission reward loot.

• Reduced final Hold Position objective timer from 300 to 180s.

Life’s Blood

• Removed mission failed condition when Friendly Marine dies.

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Replaced 2 Missile Turrets with 1 Reaper and 1 Watch Tower (Roadblock 1)

• Replaced 1 Reaper Turret for 1 Watch Tower (Roadblock 2)

Living Ghosts

• Increased the time between ambushes

• Followers and Supply Box will now spawn after completing the first objective.

• Added invulnerability tag to HARV.

• Followers will now follow player, instead of HARV.

Looming Shadows

• Mission reworked.


• Reduced Hold Position objective timer from 120 to 60s.

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Reworked kill target 1 to be 3 targets of low value

• Reworked kill target 2 to be 1 target of medium value

• Added mission reward loot.

• Fixed minor bug issues.

Jungle Of Madness

• Adjusted mission spawn locations.

• Adjusted Beta Team spawn location.

• Removed bunch of biomass actors. Changed few Biomass to Hives and Toxic Biomass.

• Removed 15 STROL eggs from drill 3 and decreased the spawn size range.

Kidnapping Express

• Swapped enemy APC with enemy Jeep.

Kill em all

• Adjusted spawn loot range from 0 to 500.

Mad King

• Removed Defense Gun on the left path and replaced with Reaper Turret.

• Removed Defense Gun on the right path and replaced with Reaper Turret.

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Fixed a bug that prevented Friendly Marines from moving.

M.E.R.C.S. Classic

• Removed mission failed condition if a Friendly Marine dies.

• Added 5 minute fail timer to all Reach Location objective.

• M.E.R.C. Followers will now follow player instead of a scripted path.

• Specimen boss will now spawn during last mission objective.

• Added mission reward loot.

Mixed Signals

• Removed 3 marines from first destroy objective. They are replaced with 1 Reaper and 2 Missile Towers.

• Added 2 support UBAS and 1 charge pad after first arty assault.

• Removed 3 marines from second assault objective. They are now replaced with 1 Watchtower and 2 Reapers.

• Reach Terraformer objective now requires all players to be inside of the objective location.

• Reach Terraformer radius increased to 1,000.

Mutant Weapons

• Mission slightly reworked.

New Hope

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Fix for Strol Marines not spawning at the farm.

• Red Storm level reduced from level 5 to 2.

• Hold Position objective timer reduced from 90 to 60s.


• Mission slightly reworked.

Not One Step

• Backend mission work for X,Y,Z Evac handling.

Nuclear Deal

• Mission slightly reworked.


• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Reduced Hold Position objective timer from 90 to 60s.

• Replaced Toxic Biomass with a normal Biomass near Mercs base

Operation Spearhead

• Increased first Reach Objective location from 1,500 to 3,000.

• Reduced ambush cap during breach main gate objective from 20 to 10.

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Replaced 2 Hives with 2 regular Biomass while breaching the gate.

Outpost Defense

• Mission reworked.

Overran Sector

• Lowered hunter ambush cap from 10 to 3.

• Replaced Biomass with Hive.

• Artillery wont spawn anymore while doing the attack nest objective.

• Removed Enemy Marines during attack nest objective.

Phoenix Part 1

• Replaced HAPC spawn with a roaming vehicle.

Phoenix Part 2

• Replaced a powerplant Biomass with a Hive.

Phoenix part 3

• Backend mission work for X,Y,Z Evac handling.

• Replaced boss Lyganesh with Specimen.

Pre-emptive Strike

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Lowered Kill objective count from 150 to 100

Radiant Frogs Redux

• Reduced number of monsters spawned by ambush.

• Replaced 1 Nest Egg with Biomass (Objective 1).

• Replaced 1 Nest Egg with Toxic Biomass (Objective 2).

• Replaced 1 Nest Egg with Hive (Objective 3).

• Added mission reward loot.

Raining Death

• Mission slightly reworked.

Recruit Condatis

• Fix for an issue where mission would instantly fail due to a missing prefab.

• Lowered cap of hunter ambush from 10 to 3

Rescue Condatis

• Fix for an issue where mission would fail if Evac spawns before Hold Position objective ends.

• Rescue Mission (aka Rescue Civs)

• Fix for an issue where mission would fail when 1 Civilian dies.

• Adjusted the Reach Location objective where Civilians are escorted from 2,000-500 range.

Rescue Team

• Replaced filler Nest A,B,C Hives with Strol Tunnels.

• Replaced 3 Biomass for Nest Eggs in the main nest.

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Increased survivor Reach Location objective radius from 800 to 2,000.

• Fix for N’diaye item spawning in wrong locations.

Rescue Troops

• Added enemy reaper at evac location.

• Artillery has been removed.

• Adjusted mission timers and spawn positions.

Red Tides

• Replaced Toxic Biomass with Hives.

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Reworked droppod scene.

Ringing Freedom Part 1

• Reach objective radius set to 10,000.

• Reduced Hold Position objective timer from 120 to 60s.

• Adjusted ambush caps and timers.

Ringing Freedom Part 2

• Increased Reach location radius from 5,500 to 8,000.

• Replaced Lyganesh boss with Leviathan.

Ringing Freedom Part 3

• Adjusted radius for base objective.

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Reduced objective kill count from 200 to 150.

• Increased Reach Resistance Base objective from 6,000 to 8,000.

Rising Sun

• Mission slightly reworked.

Scrap Pirates

• Decreased Hold Position objective timer from 90 to 60s.

• Removed Exo Elite Marines from the settlement.

• Added mission reward loot.

Sector Down

• Removed failure conditions if Civilians and/or Skyler die.

• Reduced Hold Position timers.

Shadow Trackers

• Backend mission work for X,Y,Z Evac handling.

• Fix for objective timers not giving proper information.

• Fixed an issue where Evac did not spawn.

Shadow War Part 1

• Removed fail condition on Friendly Marine death.

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Reduced Hold Position objective timer from 90 to 60s.

• Added mission reward loot.

Shadow War Part 2

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Reduced number of enemy monsters during some objectives.

• Added mission reward loot.

Shadow War Part 3

• Lowered the number of enemy monsters.

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Added mission reward loot.

• Friendly Marines will now despawn after mission is complete.

Snatch N Grab

• VIP NPC death will no longer fail the mission.

• Added an enemy Dropship that will roam around the map.

• Added two enemy Watch Towers

• Added an enemy Reaper at evacuation location.

• Snow Ball Part 1,2 and 3

• Missions slightly reworked.

Stabilize Reactor

• Mission slightly reworked.

Steel Abyss

• Mission slightly reworked.

Streets Of Fire

• Fixed a critical issue where Dropship would easily destroy VLAK and fail players campaign progress.


• Lowered number of monsters spawned during mission.

• Replaced 1 Hive for a normal Biomass (Nest 1, Nest 2)

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Nests will now use radius to avoid mini map text cluster.

STROL Wetwork

• Kill count objective decreased from 200-150.

• Lowered the number of monsters spawned.

• Reworked boss encounter. Bosses will no longer be spawned by ambush.

• Added mission reward loot.

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Added mission reward loot.

Supply Chain

• Hold Position objective timer reduced from 180 to 90S.

Suppress Biomass

• Mission slightly redone.

• Added mission reward loot.

Survivors Con.

• Removed fail condition on Friendly Marine death.

• Reduced Hold Position objective timer from 90 to 60s.

• Added fail timer on second Reach Location objective of 300s.

• Lowered number of monsters spawned during some objectives.

• Adjusted ambush timers.

Terror Dome Part 1

• Reduced Hold Position timer from 120 to 60s.

• Increased timer for interacting with final terminal from 5 to 10m.

Terror Dome Part 2

• Reduced kills needed for objective to complete from 200 to 150.

Terror Dome Part 3

• Replaced Biomass with Hive

• Adjusted baby hunter spawn cap from 8 to 3.

• Replaced Defense Gun with Reaper Turret.

The Handler

• Mission slightly reworked.

The Way Home

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Increased Deploy Shiva timer from 15 to 30s.

• Lowered number of monster spawn.

Thrill of the hunt

• Removed fail condition on Friendly Marine death.

• Added mission reward loot.

Traitors Part 1

• Reduced the number of enemy marines during first ambush.

• First objective radius is increased.

• Friendly marines will now spawn after completing the first objective.

Traitors Part 2

• Increased ambush timers.

Traitors Part 3

• Removed artillery support during boss fight.

• Increased ambush timers.

Trail By Fire

• First objective will now require all players to reach that location.

• Increased ambush timers.

• Added a friendly HARV to support players during first objective.

• Reduced the first and second hold position timer from 120 to 60 seconds, and 120to90.

• Artillery will now fire after sealing the gate.

• Two friendly HARVs will now spawn at gate two.

• Friendly Tank will now spawn at gate three.

Train Ambush

• Mission slightly reworked.

To Infinity

• Mission slightly reworked.

• Fixed an issue where timer wouldn’t not be in sync with map

Toxic Flood

• Mission slightly reworked.

• Tower Defense – Adjusted ambush timers.

• Protect objective timer increased from 60 to 90s

• Added mission reward loot.

• Towers now wont despawn (additional reward)

• Towering Phantoms – Mission slightly reworked.

• Troubling Times – Mission slightly reworked.

• Turning Point – Mission has been reworked.

VIP Howell

• Set all Hold Position objective timers to 60s.

Vipers Strike

• Mission slightly reworked.

Walking Tall

• Protect Device timer reduced from 180 to 60s.

• Adjusted ambush timers.

• Fix for an issue with fail timer.

Wall Defense

• Mission slightly reworked.


• Vehicles should now spawn properly.

Wild west Part 1

• Mission slightly reworked.

Wild West Part 2

• Adjusted ambush timers

• Removed Artillery from Bandit Assault. Gunship will spawn instead.

Wild West Part 3

• Added mission reward loot.

• Reduced number of monsters that spawn during some objectives

When Zombies Attack

• Mission slightly reworked.

Whispering Shadows

• Reduced the timers of Hold Position objectives.

• Swapped Rally Beacons with Reapers at warehouse.



• Reduced the number of Enemy Marines.

• Fix for few Condatis campaign critical strike missions having issues with deployment.

• Fix for missions not spawning enemy marine and/or monsters that were a part of a mission objective if the monster cap was reached. They will be force spawned now.

• Fix for taunts on Allied Defense and other missions.

• Added sounds while going through language buttons in options.

• Achievement fix for Nightfall, Elysium campaign mission.

• Navmesh generation around Train doors has been improved.

• Fix for an issue where Missile Turrets would damage itself.

• Fix for an issue where electric particles were not destroyed after they were done filling up the UBAS.

• Fix for Biomass spawning inside of a Whale actor.

• Fix for issues with minimap moving camera in WASD/Gamepad mode.

• Fix for Range Particle staying forever when mission base terminals were activated.

• Fix for missing stats in loadout after changing class.

• Fix for clients missing weapons in the garage.

• Fix for marine skins sometimes appearing faulty.

• Fix for marines sometimes being invisible after exiting a driveable vehicle.

• Fix for campaign setup picking wrong difficulty.

• Fix for player’s profile showing when selecting a bot’s name.

• Fix for UBAS missiles destroying each other.

• Fix for suppression component being able to get stuck at Suppressed if something temporarily reduces it’s regen to 0.

• Fix for game difficulty causing wrong modifiers on suppression, fixes things like Sonic Grenade not altering the suppression regen correctly.

• Fix the tiling on marine shoulder plate.

• Fix for various issues with localization.

• Poison Barrel will now do 1000 damage to biomass centres for its duration.

• Removed invite friend button from showing in single player armory.

• Minimap fixes for some pixelated textures and added legend icons that were missing.

• Possible fix for marine click to attack getting stuck on dead monster


Atrocity Boss

• Destructive resistance set to 60.

• Energy resistance set to 40.


• Will now attack players with hellspawn spikes that are in a building.

• Slam does kinetic damage and will damage UBAS now.


• Fix for player being invisible after being ejected from the creeper.


• Fix for melee attacks.


• Fix for Devourer monster sliding in mushroom state.


• Animation and charge tweaks.

• Kinetic resist reduced from 85 to 75.

• Fluffy will do frenzy triple attack when he goes below 35% health.

• Hatchling – Kinetic resistance set to 35.

• Explosive resistance set to 60.

• Energy resistance set to 50.


• Fix where Hellspawn would randomly damage players with foot stomp.

• Fix for an issue where Hellspawn wouldn’t unburrow.

• Grabber monster will now spawn on Biomass creep.

• Holer projectile speed reduced to 1500.


• Kinetic resist set to 90.

• Energy resist set to 65.

• Suppression set to 300.

• Damage reduced from 300 to 275.

• Can not be influenced by skills like harpoon, clinch…


• Kinetic resist set to 80.

• Energy resist set to 60.

• Damage reduced to 225.

• Will now attack players with Hellspawn spikes that are in a building


• Will no longer regenerate armor.


• Fix for a rare bug that caused the game to crash in rare situations.


• Removed armor regen.


• Health reduced to 8,000.

• Stomp damage increased to 100 and will now slow marines for 3 seconds.

STROL Marine

• Destructive resistance set to 75.


• Destructive resistance set to 60.

• Suppression regen increased from 12 to 20.


• Destructive resistance set to 55.


• Zombie marine kinetic resistance buff increased from 20% to 40%.

• Monsters will now be able to use their skills after being hit with Bellator Harpoon gun.

• Monsters will not be suppressed as long as they have any armor left.

• Monsters are unable to destroy windows anymore.

• Fix for monsters having wrong skill cooldowns.

• Fix for monsters sometimes not aggroing player at all.

• Fix for monsters using Burrow when casting a skill.

• Fix for a crash that was caused by animsharing.

• Biomass max monsters alive now set to 5.

• Reworked monster movement behaviour. Monsters should not get stuck anymore and their overall movement should be better.



• Basic AI Marine – Tweaks regarding roam to player behavior

• Follower skill Reconaissance will now add ammo to bots.

• Fix for Follow me command sometimes not working. They now have 9 formations.

• Fix for drop pod marines hovering in air after they deploy.

• Fix for Followers not being able to use teleport and strong signal beacon.

• Fix for Followers not always detecting monsters.

• Fix for Followers where they were being teleported to vehicles that are not a part of the assigned hero.

• Dead Followers will no longer be teleported when player exits vehicle

• Recon bot tactical scout item should work properly now.


• Fix for Condatis assault class not being able to equip stratagems.

• Fix for stratagem engineering buffs counting towards campaign HasNotViewedItem checks.


Ajax – Fix for Ajax missiles endless flying.

Ajax – Fix for targeting indicator not working properly.

Grenade Launcher – Increased swapping speed between primary weapon and Grenade Launcher

• Launcher type weapon projectiles won’t be blocked by Tentacle collision anymore

Stinger – Swapped initial and final spread on Stinger so that it would function correctly

WEAPON MODIFICATIONS – Infrared Scope – Should now properly reduce overwatch range.

Player modules – Damage module increased damage from 10 to 12%


• Banner – reduced pip to 2 and power to 75


• Fix for some tabs in main menu not playing sounds.


• Changed match summary to display a player’s stats as red if they did not evac

• Moved Health Bar and name widgets on characters from the capsule to the mesh to avoid jitter on client.

• Removed “Online/Offline” buttons from main menu.

• Removed “Add Friend” button, as it was redundant to the “Profile” button.

• Fix for clients not always having a correct mission displayed in the armory.

• Fix for “Add Soldier” button

• Fix for utility slot tooltip in armory.

• Fix for pickup items sometimes leaving widgets on the screen for too long.

• Fix for NetworkSettings screen remaining when map travelling.

• Fix for some issues with mission waypoint arrows.

• Fix for workbench sometimes having blank dropdown name.

• Fix for non pickup explosives showing an interactable widget when marine walks over it.

• Fix for player name sizing in armory.

• Hid “Mod Weapon” button for some weapons to reduce confusion.

• Mission location markers box tweaks.


• Added a “Return To Main Menu” button on the Game Over screen. Now clients will be able to return to Main Menu after the game, instead of going to the armory first.

• Added an autosave after returning to strategy from a campaign mission, after the dropship is returned to HQ and the last mission is cleaned up.

• Added Offline game call when leaving campaign setup.

• Added cancel buttons to some notification popups.

• Armory widget optimization.

• Complete fix up and overhaul to the optimization system.

• Damage display, dissolve component, damage numbers and weapon shot firing improvements and optimizations.

• UI optimizations.

• Game performance optimization.

• Enabled stratagem button in offline skirmish mode.

• Friendly skills will now have a blue radius instead of a red one.

• Major overhaul of Campaign’s save system to use Unreal’s default save style.

• Major overhaul of all saved data. Majorly user profile, saved loadouts, saved weapons and saved vehicles.

• Major overhaul of UI gamepad navigation handling.

• Fix for various translation issues.

• Fix for various issues regarding invites, join via friend, private and public sessions.

• Fixes for session joining, player block list, player friend list.

• Fix for campaign save/delete confirmation not always showing.

• Fix for infinite loading screen if session fails to create.

• Fix for campaign session initial data.

• Fixed and optimized FOW Hide component

• Reworked platform save manager’s loadout delete to not remove the cached version unless it successfully deletes the file. Also added a safety check and some logging.

• Vaulting – Updated vault detect locations.